
Cum invitátus fúeris ad núptias, non discúmbas in primo loco

Misteri della Gloria secondo la divina volontà

When you are invited to a wedding feast, do not recline in the first place

Santissimo Nome di Maria, onomastico del nome Maria – 12 settembre 2021

ORARIO S.MESSA ALLE ORE 10.30 – S.Messa online di Don Enrico Roncaglia, su youtube channel:

Testo rito latino della S. Messa:



Evangelium Luc 14:1-11
In illo témpore: Cum intráret Iesus in domum cuiúsdam príncipis pharisæórum sábbato manducáre panem, et ipsi observábant eum. Et ecce, homo quidam hydrópicus erat ante illum. Et respóndens Iesus dixit ad legisperítos et pharisǽos, dicens: Si licet sábbato curáre? At illi tacuérunt. Ipse vero apprehénsum sanávit eum ac dimísit. Et respóndens ad illos, dixit: Cuius vestrum ásinus aut bos in púteum cadet, et non contínuo éxtrahet illum die sábbati? Et non póterant ad hæc respóndere illi. Dicebat autem et ad invitátos parábolam, inténdens, quómodo primos accúbitus elígerent, dicens ad illos: Cum invitátus fúeris ad núptias, non discúmbas in primo loco, ne forte honorátior te sit invitátus ab illo, et véniens is, qui te et illum vocávit, dicat tibi: Da huic locum: et tunc incípias cum rubóre novíssimum locum tenére. Sed cum vocátus fúeris, vade, recúmbe in novíssimo loco: ut, cum vénerit, qui te invitávit, dicat tibi: Amíce, ascénde supérius. Tunc erit tibi glória coram simul discumbéntibus: quia omnis, qui se exáltat, humiliábitur: et qui se humíliat, exaltábitur.

Gospel Luke 14:1-11
At that time, when Jesus entered the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees on the Sabbath to take food, they watched Him. And behold, there was a certain man before Him who had the dropsy. And Jesus asked the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, Is it lawful to cure on the Sabbath? But they remained silent. And He took and healed him and let him go. Then addressing them, He said, Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fall into a pit, and will not immediately draw him up on the Sabbath? And they could give Him no answer to these things. But He also spoke a parable to those invited, observing how they were choosing the first places at table, and He said to them, When you are invited to a wedding feast, do not recline in the first place, lest perhaps one more distinguished than you have been invited by him, and he who invited you and him come and say to you, ‘Make room for this man’; and then you begin with shame to take the last place. But when you are invited go and recline in the last place; that when he who invited you comes in, he may say to you, ‘Friend, go up higher!’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all who are at table with you. For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.


Oggi e’ la festa del santissimo nome di Maria.
Il vangelo di oggi e’ una pietra miliare: chi si loda sara’ umiliato, chi si umilia sara’ esaltato. Subito ci viene in mente il nome di Maria, lei che si e’ umilata e noi. Ma oggi il nome di Maria risuona sulla terra e nei cieli. Lei e’ potente contro i demoni! Lo sappiamo noi stessi quando l’abbiamo pregata con l’Ave Maria!
Ma il nome di Maria e’ anche oltraggiato! Molti di noi la offendono. Dobbiamo avere riguardo del suo nome e ringraziarla dei suoi doni. La nostra preghiera e’ sempre piena di preoccupazioni. Maria ci sta rimproverando come figli. Rivolgetevi a me con fiducia, non preoccupatevi per il futuro! Non possiamo sapere cosa ci riserba Dio per il futuro. Ma non dobbiamo pregare con ansieta’. Dio non ci sottopone mai a prove eccessive per nostre forze (prove che Lui sa non possiamo superare). No mai!
Nel Vangelo Gesu’ guarisce un idropico (malattia che porta a gonfiare il corpo). Vuole guarire non solo la malattia del malato ma anche la superbia dei farisei commensali e ospiti.
Il Figlio di Dio puo’ guarire anche il Sabato, che e’ appunto il giorno di Dio per gli ebrei! Lui e’ Dio e’ puo’ guarire anche il Sabato e la Domenica, il giorno del Signore Gesu’ Cristo.
Occorre quindi piu’ fede. Dobbiamo esporci alla sua grazia, invocando sempre il nome di Maria!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo!


(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.


Today is the feast of the most holy name of Mary.
Today’s Gospel is a milestone: whoever praises himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted. The name of Mary immediately comes to mind, she who humbled herself and us.
But today the name of Mary resounds on earth and in the heavens. She is powerful against demons! We know it ourselves when we prayed to her with the Hail Mary! But the name of Mary is also outraged! Many of us offend her. We must be considerate of her name and thank her for her gifts. Our prayer is always full of worries. Maria is scolding us as children. Contact me with confidence, don’t worry about the future!
We cannot know what God has in store for the future. But we don’t have to pray anxiously. ‘ God never subjects us to excessive tests on our strength (tests that He knows we cannot overcome). Never!
In the Gospel, Jesus heals a dropsy (a disease that leads to swelling of the body). He wants to heal not only the sickness of the sick but also the pride of the Pharisees who are diners and guests.
The Son of God can also heal on Saturday, which is precisely God’s day for the Jews! He is God and can also heal on Saturday and Sunday, the day of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, more faith is needed. We must expose ourselves to his grace, always invoking the name of Mary!
Praised be Jesus Christ!


(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.