
Dico autem vobis: Quia omni habénti dábitur, et abundábit: ab eo autem, qui non habet, et, quod habet, auferétur ab eo.

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I say to you that to everyone who has shall be given; but from him who does not have, even that which he has shall be taken away.

Evangelium Luc 19:12-26
In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis parábolam hanc: Homo quidam nóbilis ábiit in regionem longínquam accípere sibi regnum, et revérti. Vocátis autem decem servis suis, dedit eis decem mnas, et ait ad illos: Negotiámini, dum vénio. Cives autem eius óderant eum: et misérunt legatiónem post illum, dicéntes: Nólumus hunc regnáre super nos. Et factum est, ut redíret accépto regno: et iussit vocári servos, quibus dedit pecúniam, ut sciret, quantum quisque negotiátus esset. Venit autem primus, dicens: Dómine, mna tua decem mnas acquisívit. Et ait illi: Euge, bone serve, quia in módico fuísti fidélis, eris potestátem habens super decem civitátes. Et alter venit, dicens: Dómine, mna tua fecit quinque mnas. Et huic ait: Et tu esto super quinque civitátes. Et alter venit, dicens: Dómine, ecce mna tua, quam hábui repósitam in sudário: tímui enim te, quia homo austérus es: tollis, quod non posuísti, et metis, quod non seminásti. Dicit ei: De ore tuo te iúdico, serve nequam. Sciébas, quod ego homo austérus sum, tollens, quod non pósui, et metens, quod non seminávi: et quare non dedísti pecúniam meam ad mensam, ut ego véniens cum usúris útique exegíssem illam? Et astántibus dixit: Auferte ab illo mnam et date illi, qui decem mnas habet. Et dixérunt ei: Dómine, habet decem mnas. Dico autem vobis: Quia omni habénti dábitur, et abundábit: ab eo autem, qui non habet, et, quod habet, auferétur ab eo.

Gospel Luke 19:12-26
At that time, Jesus spoke this parable to His disciples: A certain nobleman went into a far country to obtain for himself a kingdom and then return. And having summoned ten of his servants, he gave them ten gold pieces and said to them, ‘Trade till I come.’ But his citizens hated him; and they sent a delegation after him to say, ‘We do not wish this man to be king over us.’ And it came to pass when he had returned, after receiving the kingdom, that he ordered the servants to whom he had given the money to be called to him in order that he might learn how much each one had made by trading. And the first came, saying, ‘Lord, your gold piece has earned ten gold pieces.’ And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant; because you have been faithful in a very little, you shall have authority over ten towns.’ Then the second came, saying, ‘Lord, your gold piece has made five gold pieces.’ And he said to him, ‘Be you also over five towns.’ And another came, saying, ‘Lord, behold your gold piece, which I have kept laid up in a napkin; for I feared you, because you are a stern man. You take up what you did not sow.’ He said to him, ‘Out of your own mouth I judge you, you wicked servant. You knew that I am a stern man, taking up what I did not lay down and reaping what I did not sow. Why, then, did you not put my money in a bank, so that I on my return might have gotten it with interest?’ And he said to the bystanders, ‘Take away the gold piece from him, and give it to him who has the ten gold pieces.’ But they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten gold pieces.’ I say to you that to everyone who has shall be given; but from him who does not have, even that which he has shall be taken away.


Festivita’ di San Ludovico, Luigi IX re di Francia. Fu un re profondamente cristiano e terziario francescano. Amava la chiesa e voleva aiutare il culto.

Nel 1244, come voto di espiazione per la sua guarigione da una febbre altissima, volle guidare una crociata per la liberazione della Terra Santa dai Saraceni. Sbarcato in Egitto presso la città di Damietta, attaccò i Saraceni e li vinse: ma una pestilenza decimò l’esercito crociato e colpì lo stesso sovrano. Assalito dai Turchi, venne sconfitto e fatto prigioniero. Venuto a patti con i Turchi, si prodigo per liberare gran parte dei suoi soldati, soccorrere i feriti e lebbrosi e proseguire come pellegrino per la Terra Santa.

Rientrato in Francia regno’ a lungo. Molti anni dopo, sul letto di morte disse:

« Entrerò nella tua casa, o Signore, ti adorerò nel tuo tempio santo e glorificherò il tuo nome ». Era il 25 agosto del 1270.

Aveva adempiuto pienamente ai doni ricevuti per la gloria di Dio. E’ stato ed e’ un esempio per tutti noi.

Sia lodato Gesu Cristo!


Feast of St. Louis, Louis IX king of France.

He was a deeply Christian and Franciscan tertiary king. He loved the church and wanted to help the worship.

In 1244, as a vow of expiation for his recovery from a very high fever, he wanted to lead a crusade for the liberation of the Holy Land from the Saracens.

Landed in Egypt near the city of Damietta, he attacked the Saracens and defeated them: but a plague decimated the Crusader army and struck the sovereign himself. Assaulted by the Turks, he was defeated and taken prisoner.

Having come to terms with the Turks, he did his best to free most of his soldiers, help the wounded and lepers and continue as a pilgrim to the Holy Land.

Back in France he reigned for many years. When on his deathbed he said: «I will enter your house, O Lord, I will adore you in your holy temple and I will glorify your name». It was August 25, 1270.

He had fully fulfilled the gifts received for the glory of God. He was and is an example for all of us.

Praised be Jesus Christ!